Tanya Lewis an amazing woman who has overcome many challenges. I have had the privilege of working as Tanya’s dream coach for over a year now. In our first session she set two goals: to become a paid comedian and to write a book telling how God restored her life. She’s done both! I’m amazed at her willingness to push past the pain and her comfort zone to be free. During the last year I’ve watched her transform. I’ve watched her dig up the pain she hid in her heart, confront it process it and use her story to help others. She has learned to confront her issues, leave the shame of her past behind and MOVE FORWARD.

Tanya has an amazing story of restoration and hope. As she shares her journey you will laugh, cry and sometimes sit in amazement and wonder how she made it. She has overcome many experiences that could have taken her out had she not allowed God to love and heal her. She reminds us to be slow to judge because there is a reason people make the choices they make and she shows us the power of love when it’s released to a person.

Tanya reminds us we are all VICTORIOUS through Christ Jesus and He is can take our mess and make it a masterpiece. Her story is still unfolding, but what God is doing in marvelous in my eyes. I encourage you to read this story and allow it to help you develop compassion for those who are trapped in sin and ask God to help you be a demonstration of His love to those who need desperately to know, “Yes, Jesus loves you.”
Shun Strickland, Pastor and Dream Coach

I enjoyed the book tremendously! Thank you for writing it. I pray for much continued success in your ministry!!
Pastor Veda Mccoy

Tanya Lewis’ book RESTORED is a tear jerking page-turner. This book covers rejection, abandonment, rape, molestation, homelessness, identity theft, betrayal, suicide and so much more all in chapter one! If you do not believe God is a healer and RESTORER of all things then get this book and forever be changed.

Celeste Payne, CEO Celeste Payne Enterprises



I am so incredibly proud of you for sharing your story. It is such an amazing story filled with so much that I am confident that many women will be empowered by. I truly thank God for His strength that is displayed throughout this book and your heart for others to be restored. It indeed takes being healed, liberated and restored to share your story in the candidacy in which you share. God has already begun and will continue to do amazing things in your life, that not only benefit you and your family, but women all across the world. May God continue to bless you and may your journey continue too empower other women.

Pastor Sheretta Golladay



A very candid and transparent look at the life of this talented Christian Comedian. In her authentic approach you will find her intent to describe in detail the challenges in her childhood that caused her to question her identity. It is a personal peek into her life and the lives of many who aren’t properly validated the way GOD intended.

Tricie Hendrix